Are You Feeling Depressed For No Reason?

Are you feeling depressed for no reason? Bad feelings, mood swings and other symptoms of depression can sometimes seem to land upon you from nowhere. It’s important to understand that if you’re feeling depressed you might not be able to see an obvious cause or  reason.  In  In this article, you’ll find useful information to help you understand better why you might be feeling low without any obvious reason.  Everybody who lives a full and healthy life will experience emotional ups and downs. We all experience different emotional states in response to learning, growing and experiencing how to interact with the world. …

Feeling Depressed For No Reason

How To Live With Someone With Depression

Do you live with someone with depression? Learning how to live with a depressed person can be difficult. However, it’s important to understand that there are lots of ways you can learn to live, manage and cope with it. In this article, you’ll find some useful information about how to live with depression.  Someone who’s depressed is likely to think, act, talk and feel differently to ‘normal’. They may look the same on the outside. but you’re unlikely to be aware of the struggle they’re having on the inside. This struggle often includes them finding the smallest things overly difficult to tackle. This can be hard to live with. This in…

How To Live With Someone With Depression

Recurring Depression

The word ‘recurring’ means ‘appearing or occurring again after intervals’. A ‘recurring depression’ is when a person experiences another depressive episode after an interval of at least 2 consecutive months without being depressed. This article contains more information that can help you understand better about what recurring depression means.  Depressive disorders are common and are often a challenge because of the risk of it returning. Depressive disorders can be treated. However, it’s important to understand that there’s a possibility of it recurring, so you might experience more than just a single depressive episode.  Studie…

Recurring Depression

Depression & Anger

Are you dealing with depression and anger?  Some people who are depressed show signs of anger and irritability, while others may get angry to cover their hurt, frustration or sadness. Read on to find out more about depression, anger and how to deal with it.  Depression is usually associated with sadness and low moods. However, some depressed people also find themselves being unusually angry. Even small things can easily trigger a sudden outburst if you’re feeling angry all the time. Anger is a common sign of depression, particularly in men. Even if it isn’t expressed, it can still fill up your thoughts and make you…

Depression Anger

Depression Memory Loss

There is a link between depression and memory loss. Depression can make it difficult for you to focus and concentrate, which can affect your ability to remember specific details. Read on to find out more about depression and memory loss. Does depression cause memory loss? Depression is often associated with memory problems. When you’re depressed, it can sometimes be a challenge to keep yourself focused, think and remember things clearly. It’s as if your part of your brain shuts down and you can’t access your usual mental information. Most people with depression have high levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Studies show that hi…

Depression Memory Loss